They say that there is no straight path to success. Each success story has its own set of ups and downs. But that doesn’t mean we cannot study the men, billionaires in particular, behind each story. We try to figure out the traits and habits they have to find a specific pattern and apply it to our lives to relive their success.

In the book, “The Billion Dollar Secret” by Rafael Badziag, he spent five years interviewing 21 self-made billionaires to find the secret to their accomplishments. Here are some of the findings Badziag learned during his time studying the habits of billionaires.

1. They are early risers

Successful people often make the most of their mornings. Their standard wake-up time is around 5:30 AM. They understand that being an early riser is crucial to their success. It gives them more motivation to be more productive and energetic throughout the day.

2. They pay attention to their health

Achievers usually have a strict exercise routine that they follow regardless of how busy they are. Either they head out for a run or go to the gym. They understand the importance of keeping their blood moving, especially in the morning, to increase their productivity.

They also understand the importance of sports and the values it instills in their lives. It teaches them discipline, determination, and the importance of having and completing a goal.

3. They feed their mind

The majority of billionaires allocate a portion of their day reading. They make it a habit to read books, magazines, or news articles. They understand its significance and impact reading brings to their creativity and imagination.

4. They are introspective

A considerable number of billionaires spend a portion of their time reflecting on their past actions and decisions. They evaluate how their previous actions impact their businesses and their lives. They reflect and try to seek clarity in their thoughts during their meditation or self-reflection.

5. They establish a set of habits and routine

The majority of billionaires have established a morning routine that they follow daily. They have also formulated a specific way and set of habits that they find compelling and rarely deviate from. These routines and habits, when followed strictly, develop a compounding effect that contributes to their success.

6. They are highly disciplined

Success is impossible without discipline. Once they have discovered the habits and routines that are most effective, Billionaires follow them religiously using the discipline they have developed over time.

While it may seem impossible for us to achieve billionaire status, studying their personal habits and understanding how it lead them to success can still be beneficial. It gives us motivation and inspires us to follow the kind of lifestyle that leads them to the type of success we aspire.


An entrepreneur who interviewed 21 billionaires says the same 6 habits helped make all of them successful

I interviewed 21 self-made billionaires about their secrets to wealth and success – here’s what I learned