Great job interviews are like great presentations – they both need to draw out the most important aspects, body language to boost credibility, and a mesmerizing interactive experience. Interviewers can tell a lot about you from the way you dress, talk, and carry yourself. As the beginning of the job interview is considered the most important part, liven up the conversation with an interesting and professional demeanor to create a first good impression.

Job interviews can be tricky. According to studies, more than 30% of the hiring personnel are decided to hire a candidate during the first 5 minutes of an interview. Make sure that you are prepared and ready by following these tips:


Before the interview, do some research about the company by checking their networks and website or inside scoops from its employees that you personally know. You can share these with your interviewer which will give them the impression that you are interested in the organization. You can also practice some most frequently asked interview questions and practice your answers. Coming in prepared and ready reflects on your organizational and communications skills.

Choosing appropriate and comfortable attire will give you the best impression. You must show up in a way that you are not overdressed or underdressed. Even in perfumes, use a light perfume or cologne that won’t cause a distraction or sensitivity to others who has allergies to scents. Make sure that your interviewer can focus on your answers and not on your clothes or perfume.


Before the interview starts, make sure that you are relaxed and confident. Take a few deep breaths to eliminate that nervousness and greet the interviewer warmly and give them a firm handshake. If necessary, make eye contact but don’t make it uncomfortable by staring for too long, and a warm smile to give a positive introduction. Let yourself appear as approachable and responsive, a candidate who has strong interpersonal skills is likely to mesmerize the interviewer and get hired.

While engaging in the interview, show enthusiasm by giving them conviction in every answer to their questions. Show them that you are interested to be part of their organization by giving them your plan and contributions. Be specific and factual with your qualifications to show that you are a great choice for the job, and give them your personality that will reflect in everything you say, share a fascinating and relatable story. If unexpected questions were thrown at you, relax and take your time contemplating your answers. Try to connect your stories and experiences to the job descriptions of your desired position, describing your qualities and traits will give you more chances of getting hired as they will recognize your fitting for the organization. The STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, and Result) can be helpful in story-telling, telling a specific problem-solving situation that is relevant to your task and the solution you created that had a positive outcome. This will show how your problem-solving skills helped you rise in a difficulty.


After giving them an enthusiastic and interesting interview, give them an appreciative smile or a firm handshake to express your gratitude for taking the interview. Ask them about what are the next steps after the interview, usually, Recruiters will give you a timeframe of how your status on the job application will be, they’ll also give your background with their company culture, schedule, and other significant aspects that must know about the organization.

You can also send your interviewer a thank you message or email to show them that you appreciate the time they made for you. As Recruiters, this will give us the impression that you had a great time with us. When it is beyond the date where they said they’ll give feedback, you can ask for a follow-up email or message to know your status about the application.

There are many ways to show your unique qualities in a job interview, but the most important thing in every interview you go through is to enjoy your time, treat everyone you meet with respect, show authenticity, and positivity. Let your authentic self savor the opportunity you had and always remember that you won’t get an interview if you weren’t as impressive as you are today.


How to impress on a job interview

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